(;CA[UTF-8]CA[Windows-1252]NW[43]NB[33]LT[]RR[Normal]C[ breakfast 3p : gg gerushka 5d+: 6 have a nice game]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]GM[1]GN[breakfast-gerushka(B) IGS]EV[Internet Go Server game: breakfast vs gerushka]DT[2016-09-28]PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969]PB[gerushka]BR[5d+]PW[breakfast]WR[3p ]KM[6.5]TM[3600]RE[B+Resign]US[Brought to you by IGS PANDANET]CP[ Copyright (c) PANDANET Inc. 2016 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice.]MULTIGOGM[0];B[qd]BL[3558];W[oc]WL[3580];B[dd]BL[3536];W[cq]WL[3542];B[pp]BL[3492];W[qn]WL[3532];B[nq]BL[3377];W[qh]WL[3498];B[pe]BL[3357];W[pk]WL[3481];B[lc]BL[3328];W[qb]WL[3357];B[nc]BL[3196];W[nb]WL[3151];B[od]BL[3177];W[pc]WL[3065];B[mc]BL[2837];W[rc]WL[2889];B[cj]BL[2806];W[fc]WL[2872];B[eb]BL[2804];W[fb]WL[2799];B[ec]BL[2723];W[fe]WL[2775];B[ef]BL[2673];W[ic]WL[2710];B[ff]BL[2661];W[di]WL[2620];B[dj]BL[2543];W[fi]WL[2574];B[ei]BL[2534];W[eh]WL[2567];B[ej]BL[2533];W[gh]WL[2555];B[hf]BL[2509];W[kb]WL[2467];B[co]BL[2437];W[eq]WL[2421];B[eo]BL[2435];W[fj]WL[2202];B[fk]BL[2421];W[gk]WL[2196];B[gl]BL[2421];W[hk]WL[2137];B[hl]BL[2418];W[jk]WL[2067];B[ik]BL[2415];W[ij]WL[2065];B[il]BL[2414];W[jj]WL[2058];B[gq]BL[2318];W[jl]WL[1960]C[ Wade 5d?: k8 seems hurtful for b Dy 2d : Sure does Lumia920 4d?: yeah Dy 2d : what would be a good follow up? Lumia920 4d?: and o15 becomes super playable Wade 5d?: h6 fix the shape but feels annoying to play there];B[dr]BL[2050]C[ Wade 5d?: b's top is alive no matter what Lumia920 4d?: i didn't say it isn't Lumia920 4d?: w can gain a lot tho Wade 5d?: b gained nicely on the right side Wade 5d?: אם אתה רוצה לעבור על המשחק פתחתי בקגס];W[bo]WL[1722];B[cp]BL[2025]C[ Wade 5d?: so it feels like b is handling w's attempt to scare him];W[dq]WL[1655];B[bp]BL[2018]C[ Lumia920 4d?: doesn't look too easy to kill Wade 5d?: doesnt need to kill... just gain some stones aroung that area];W[fo]WL[1569]C[ Wade 5d?: w is overplaying now Wade 5d?: f3 is ugly but useful Lumia920 4d?: w always overplays Wade 5d?: f3 e4 e6 f4 h5 seems nice for b];B[bq]BL[1827];W[fl]WL[1477];B[fp]BL[1758]C[ Wade 5d?: wow];W[ek]WL[1454]C[ Lumia920 4d?: i don't dislike this for b Wade 5d?: always fix the shape before attacking Lumia920 4d?: you can say that to w as well Wade 5d?: w's shape was ok Lumia920 4d?: w's shape in the corner was not ok Lumia920 4d?: yet he didn't fix it Lumia920 4d?: :) Wade 5d?: k8 was more urgent Wade 5d?: and a ponnuki is quite nice];B[cg]BL[1558];W[dg]WL[1400];B[cf]BL[1552];W[mq]WL[1279];B[mp]BL[1538];W[lq]WL[1263];B[nr]BL[1529];W[lp]WL[1210]C[ hippophile 5d?: G5?];B[qo]BL[1517]C[ hippophile 5d?: maybe not... :)];W[rn]WL[1177];B[pn]BL[1498];W[pm]WL[1172];B[om]BL[1488];W[on]WL[1167];B[po]BL[1487];W[pl]WL[1155];B[mo]BL[1484];W[ir]WL[1099];B[iq]BL[1465];W[hq]WL[1056];B[hp]BL[1456];W[hr]WL[1055];B[gr]BL[1456]C[ randomizer 1k?: the opening was stringe Wade 5d?: typical dinerstein fuseki randomizer 1k?: can he win against strong players this way?];W[go]WL[805]C[ Wade 5d?: he did many times Wade 5d?: hopefully not this time :) randomizer 1k?: how could one describe this style? Faxolema 10k?: play like a Ilya Shikshin randomizer 1k?: seeking for complex position from weired shapes that are unknown to opponent?];B[gp]BL[1367]C[ Wade 5d?: yes randomizer 1k?: b's mistake (imho) was alowing w to d11];W[ne]WL[771]C[ Wade 5d?: actually d11 was quite weird and wrong timing Wade 5d?: allowing e8 ponnuki was much more severe Wade 5d?: e9* randomizer 1k?: 30 pts :) Wade 5d?: something like this];B[mf]BL[1065]C[ Wade 5d?: n14 fighting spirit randomizer 1k?: shapewize strange game];W[df]WL[675];B[ee]BL[1045]C[ Wade 5d?: w's plan is working ;)];W[ci]WL[524]C[ randomizer 1k?: w adopted some alphago technics Wade 5d?: looks like b's shape is collapsing];B[de]BL[795];W[bj]WL[485];B[pg]BL[774]C[ Lumia920 4d?: this game is over randomizer 1k?: two L shapes randomizer 1k?: so unefficient Wade 5d?: points wise b has quite a lot randomizer 1k?: and bottom unsettled randomizer 1k?: b cant get all bottom];W[ge]WL[383];B[ph]BL[765]C[ Wade 5d?: yeah but has 3 18+ corners];W[qi]WL[357];B[jq]BL[763];W[lo]WL[267];B[ln]BL[714]C[ hippophile 5d?: C13 seems to be thin - isnt D13 D12 B12 better link? Wade 5d?: D13 D12 B12 has some aji with b11 hippophile 5d?: B11 clamp... yes a bit of aji, biut black seems to cope];W[jo]WL[40];B[kn]BL[687]C[ randomizer 1k?: b's revange];W[ip]WL[17]C[ Wade 5d?: k4?];B[jr]BL[583]C[ OferZivo 6d+: seems nice, but w saves most hippophile 5d?: K2 proper Wade 5d?: so sad b has to gote with o7 Wade 5d?: alex is in byo yomi might have some impact on his moves];W[ko]WL[466];B[nm]BL[558];W[ho]WL[453];B[in]BL[542];W[jn]WL[446];B[io]BL[501];W[im]WL[420];B[jp]BL[499];W[be]WL[399]C[ Wade 5d?: lol Wade 5d?: overplay time];B[bd]BL[358];W[rp]WL[372];B[ro]BL[352];W[so]WL[369];B[rq]BL[347];W[gf]WL[335];B[kf]BL[303]C[ Lumia920 4d?: nooooo Lumia920 4d?: why not h7 Lumia920 4d?: this was so big];W[hn]WL[308]C[ Wade 5d?: r3 also quite big];B[cl]BL[244];W[ck]WL[275];B[dl]BL[241];W[dk]WL[273];B[qg]BL[214];W[bh]WL[225];B[bf]BL[188]C[ andreyl 2d?: w ahead by 5-10 points?];W[rr]WL[184]C[ Paukee 1d : is this some online tournament? Wade 5d?: european go team championship];B[qp]BL[56]C[ Wade 5d?: http://pandanet-igs.com/communities/euroteamchamps/rounds/333 Paukee 1d : thank you Wade 5d?: yw hippophile 5d?: R4 determined. R3 Seemed enough/ hippophile 5d?: ?? Wade 5d?: w has no threats Wade 5d?: and almost no time also :)];W[mm]WL[58];B[ml]BL[43];W[sq]WL[53];B[sp]BL[42];W[lm]WL[50]C[ Wade 5d?: n8 mistake];B[sn]BL[592];W[nn]WL[48]C[ Lumia920 4d?: n8 fatal mistake Wade 5d?: b still is much in the game];B[nl]BL[532];W[mn]WL[47];B[nj]BL[494];W[rl]WL[46];B[rk]BL[477];W[pi]WL[42]C[ vladd77 6k : possible to kill W?];B[sl]BL[451];W[ni]WL[41]C[ Faxolema 10k?: всогда пОсийН Wade 5d?: n11 only move];B[oj]BL[392];W[oi]WL[36];B[pj]BL[387];W[qj]WL[35];B[qk]BL[386];W[mj]WL[35];B[nk]BL[385];W[ll]WL[31];B[ql]BL[371]C[ vladd77 6k : seki? Wade 5d?: yeah Faxolema 10k?: no];W[mh]WL[541]C[ vladd77 6k : Wade is there some go club in Israel? In the center (tel-aviv) Lumia920 4d?: yep Wade 5d?: yes vladd77 6k : any link, contacts?];B[mg]BL[332];W[bl]WL[523];B[qm]BL[329]C[ Wade 5d?: every week on friday from 3 pm till you leave :) vladd77 6k : nice sente vladd77 6k : Where> vladd77 6k : ? y65826582 15k : ł‰đB Faxolema 10k?: ahah hippophile 5d?: R7 gote Wade 5d?: weizman center];W[bn]WL[452];B[cn]BL[321]C[ vladd77 6k : what floor? or place exactly? And how many people there?];W[cm]WL[413];B[dm]BL[315];W[bm]WL[413];B[fn]BL[309]C[ Wade 5d?: its in aroma cafe on ground floor and number of ppl varies OferZivo 6d+: can get up to 20];W[en]WL[369];B[em]BL[305];W[fm]WL[367]C[ hippophile 5d?: R7was about 8 points, isnt that a bit small? vladd77 6k : nice. I'll try to visit you ) edlee 1k+: Wade, does the club fee a fixed montly fee to the Cafe, or, people just buy a drink, no formal agreement with the Cafe ? :)];B[fa]BL[279]C[ edlee 1k+: *pay a fixed monthly fee*];W[ga]WL[359];B[ea]BL[278];W[gn]WL[359];B[do]BL[276]C[ Wade 5d?: we just buy some drinks, its very casual so no fee edlee 1k+: great! same here :)];W[hb]WL[326];B[mb]BL[273]C[ vladd77 6k : "here" is where? ) edlee 1k+: santa barbara, california :) vladd77 6k : nice) edlee 1k+: hehe :)];W[ob]WL[302]C[ vladd77 6k : does q8 killing big move for B?];B[kh]BL[248]C[ Wade 5d?: 6 pts gote not worth it at this stage of the game];W[lh]WL[287];B[kg]BL[244];W[np]WL[255]C[ vladd77 6k : also as O4 for w? vladd77 6k : ah... and here is o4 )];B[op]BL[226];W[ng]WL[239];B[nf]BL[225];W[oo]WL[228]C[ hippophile 5d?: O4 6 points in gote :) hippophile 5d?: OK, a bit more, jusyt joking Wade 5d?: 6 and some thing because n2 is something randomizer 1k?: the game seems ovef OferZivo 6d+: k16? randomizer 1k?: ever];B[kc]BL[179]C[ randomizer 1k?: why not res Wade 5d?: who should res?];W[jc]WL[188]C[ randomizer 1k?: w is short on points and nothing to kill hippophile 5d?: Asking why not resign is a kibitz tesuji to get someone else to count for you! Wade 5d?: anything can happen in byo yomi :P randomizer 1k?: GoPanda has an estimator Wade 5d?: i tenuki with a comeback q :P vladd77 6k : if B win, it will be 2-2? in team match? Wade 5d?: yes randomizer 1k?: Estimator counts +25 for b vladd77 6k : and what then? just 2-2, or any other match? edlee 1k+: oh, which team event is this ? City league ? randomizer 1k?: so should be at least 10+ hippophile 5d?: to strong for me Wade];B[ok]BL[495]C[ porcorosso 1d : yeah, O9 is very big];W[mr]WL[171];B[ns]BL[490]C[ Wade 5d?: european go team championship edlee 1k+: thx wade Wade 5d?: and there are 4 boards playing Wade 5d?: so it can be a tie randomizer 1k?: normally you dont see kibitz on igs Wade 5d?: http://pandanet-igs.com/communities/euroteamchamps/rounds/333 vladd77 6k : yeah. Israel is such an Europe ^^];W[ki]WL[145]C[ edlee 1k+: is this live in person, or on IGS only ?];B[hg]BL[470]C[ vladd77 6k : normally no kbitz on igs? You are newfag? )) Wade 5d?: asia is too strong africa is too weak europe is much our style];W[og]WL[114]C[ Wade 5d?: IGS only hippophile 5d?: Israel probably be in the EU soon - so more in europe than UK... Wade 5d?: untill the finals edlee 1k+: interesting, thx, wade. Wade 5d?: top 4 teams get to play in person on the weekend before EGC];B[of]BL[402]C[ edlee 1k+: EGC 2017 ? almost a year away ?];W[rd]WL[92]C[ Wade 5d?: 10 months or so (end of july) edlee 1k+: wow -- a very early head start :)];B[re]BL[386];W[je]WL[78]C[ Wade 5d?: 10 teams 1 match per month edlee 1k+: oh i see that makes more sense];B[hh]BL[367];W[ag]WL[50];B[af]BL[359]C[ Wade 5d?: we just got to league A after 10-0-0 record on B league];W[rg]WL[26];B[rf]BL[357]C[ edlee 1k+: wade, you're also on the Israel team ? Lumia920 4d?: yeah Wade 5d?: yes];W[oq]WL[18]C[ edlee 1k+: congrats :) Wade 5d?: thanks :) randomizer 1k?: Israel seems strong];B[or]BL[342]C[ edlee 1k+: p3 time suji or tesuji ? randomizer 1k?: with this win can be fisrt place Lumia920 4d?: when all of our team plays - we get a tie with Russia :)];W[qq]WL[8]C[ Wade 5d?: timesuji OferZivo 6d+: Wade's the captain :) OferZivo 6d+: take! Wade 5d?: t2];B[pq]BL[329];W[rh]WL[526];B[he]BL[318];W[hd]WL[504];B[gd]BL[314]C[ Wade 5d?: w can res now edlee 1k+: wade, Israel and Russia are the 2 stop favorites ? :) OferZivo 6d+: awesome :) edlee 1k+: *top* randomizer 1k?: bad fuseki by w vladd77 6k : Ukraine strong OferZivo 6d+: Israel just rose from league B Wade 5d?: Israel is an underdog edlee 1k+: ah... even more dramatic :) OferZivo 6d+: but with a perfect score];W[kd]WL[390]C[ edlee 1k+: everybody routes for the underdog :)];B[fd]BL[296]C[ Wade 5d?: they have 3 pros we have 1 Ali (also pro) and some strong ama];W[gg]WL[383];B[gc]BL[294];W[gb]WL[381]C[ randomizer 1k?: israel strong vladd77 6k : european pros. In russia team there is 2 korean pros )];B[ld]BL[263]C[ Wade 5d?: "korean" OferZivo 6d+: and one EuroPro Lumia920 4d?: european pro worths more than an honorary edlee 1k+: W has to live in gote here ? Lumia920 4d?: way more actually Wade 5d?: j19 Wade 5d?: or j15 randomizer 1k?: still i dont get why not resign];W[hc]WL[322]C[ Wade 5d?: *shame*];B[ed]BL[252]C[ vladd77 6k : Ilya Shikshin and Ali, they both same strength? And both took pro the same year OferZivo 6d+: huh? OferZivo 6d+: Ilya a year later];W[hi]WL[296]C[ Wade 5d?: Ali is the 2nd euro pro Ilya is the 4th vladd77 6k : ah. ok ok OferZivo 6d+: I think he didn't participate in the first tournament though vladd77 6k : but they played on KGS alot. vladd77 6k : there was a period edlee 1k+: Ilya is on the Russian team ? Wade 5d?: Ali doesnt play on kgs anymore vladd77 6k : yes Wade 5d?: Ali beat he earlier today :)];B[eg]BL[177]C[ edlee 1k+: :) Wade 5d?: him* vladd77 6k : happens];W[dh]WL[265];B[ie]BL[175];W[jf]WL[259];B[jg]BL[169]C[ vladd77 6k : this game i see breakfast is not a good shape. Wade 5d?: Ilya is ranked number 1 among european and Ali is number 2 (not including chinese and korean) OferZivo 6d+: I think w's alive Wade 5d?: vladd: Reem is playing pretty good OferZivo 6d+: but still losing];OS[a12151203][A19722411][a7111][abiichi][Alcogolli][AlexOss][Alingo][andreyl][Andro921][AnnArbor][Antoine][aobam][beobeo][bichon][Blackness2][bo4018][Bohdan][boobby][brinchi][BRONSON][cafe][candy66][chemotox][Chriskim53][coco3388][CRdZVhaY][CRgoqZxv][CRkKqNFc][CRqPGHuG][CRXmIUlU][CRZWEMLP][DauVer][davidlee36][DC9][Deadleaves][Debutant01][den802][Dika][dmedak][doctor][doofy666][dracman][dsatkas][durimar][Dy][eagl][ech1][edge13zen][edlee][eggen][Elena94][elias][Emag][erdem][ErikSWE][Erlang][Eske][Faxolema][ferde][Fess][FieldMouse][fmasaru65][foxthos][FrenchDude][Fugu][fuha10][funnygo][furano412][gen110][general][gentlesoul][Giau][gogoigo][Golfer][goodattack][gopard][gosan8][GOvernor][gpax][grenouille][gringo][GUDO][guta57][hage50][hami][Handd][Hatagel][hh8][hippophile][HL500][hvkRO1][i3313][iaznab][ignacz][iHoldKiesi][insulin][ioda][iTroi][iulian2006][izayoi][JanHora2][jaqwith][jer][joachim][jogo23][josejopo][K1122][ka0330sf][kafa][Kechan][keks][keronnpa][kidu24][kishki][klakutsu][Knight55][Komeetta][kornacker][kotiku33][Krainov][krg][kt2009][kudo0565][kurocyann][laurent84][Lumia920][lvt2][MA][maayanb][maeno][magicalben][marklu][martin97][marutooab][MaxStarks][MF29][mh8633][mimizuku1][Mino][mo420][mrright55][muchoarca1][multlurk][muromets][nanrey][narox][NASA2][nead][Nelsonng57][Neodym][Neor][newstein][Nighthawk][nikudima][nmdnms200][nnn][noki2752][Nowhereman][nulachier][O248163264][obabo][OferZivo][PaCo17][PaLack][Palko][Paukee][peterpai][pierone1][pluss3][polytheist][porcorosso][Railway][randomizer][relous1][rfuruya][rg56][Rgb123][robertmen][Ropoulette][rubrik][Rymata][sa28][saitann][salut][Santo][sasakuma][schubidu][sdc1418][Seikyoku][sh1234][sh5963][shin45][sixes][SpaceMan][Stephen59][stitch14][Superkladd][szo][t111222333][tech55][Tenerife][tessuig][TFK2187][Timoxa][Tonpuchi][Trump16][tunatayuu][vegetable][vilca][vladd77][Wade][Waftrudnir][warbler][wasabi][Welvang][whitecloud][Wilcox][Wind][wwa][x8700][xle][y65826582][yamane23][YamashitaT][yangyi][yegor][yottis][ytk007][yume74][zima][zyunbo])
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